Indications- Achillodynia – tendomyopathy
- Haglund‘s deformity–partial relief
- Leg length differences up to approx. 1 cm (evening out)
- Calcaneal pain
Mode of actions - ViscoHeel® reduces impact loads on the ankle, knee, hip and spine.
- The heel pads provide effective relief for calf muscles and tendons.
- In the ViscoHeel® K version the surface of the pad slopes downward on one side.
Features- ViscoHeel® reduces impact loads on the ankle, knee, hip and spine.
- The heel pads provide effective relief for calf muscles and tendons.
- The soft cushioning reduces pressure discomfort under the heel.
- ViscoHeel® K can be used for pronation (lateral raising) or supination (medial raising).
Size selection instruction :
Interview the patient’s shoe size in UK standard, Then select the size by below sizing Chart. Finally, see code comparing to Hospital Code
Fitting Instructions : See insert fitting note (in package)